This Design Space for Desktop release (v8.24) includes the following features and fixes.
Survey Question Improvements
To gather more information about factors impacting the user experience, we now present different questions about those factors based on the rating one initially gives in the post-cut survey.
Note: To share feedback on the app at any time, see Design Space: Submitting bug reports and feedback.
Get Started page updates
Step-by-step exercise tiles will now display the average rating they have received from users who have completed those exercises.
Note: Get Started page is available only when the Design Space language is set to “English.” Language settings can be accessed by selecting the Design Space menu in the top right, then General > Language.
Fixed field issues
- Unable to activate machine when special characters are in the Windows domain name
- Switching tabs or filters on Discover pages causes tiles to shuffle in error
- When deleting a warp inside a sticker group the border isn't redrawn
- Occasionally when a warped object is in a corner and dragged the warp will flicker back to its original position
- Description text in Get Started should not show the pointer finger
- Forever Stuck On Project Details
- Saved project displays only letters on the Canvas, but double tapping the text box reveals the entire sentences
- Performance issues with Warp
- Print Then Cut and Basic Cut attached causing mat to unload