This Design Space for Desktop release (v8.31) includes the following features and fixes.
Saving and displaying recent search history
Search bar on Home & Canvas (Projects, Images, Phrases, Editable Images) bar will display a drop-down menu of Recent Searches, with your most recent search terms at the top of the list.
Home page search bar
Canvas page - Images search bar
Connected Screen
A new page has been added to New Product Setup to better indicate when the machine has successfully been connected to the computer.
Design Space Launch Optimization
Home page assets such as images and icons, as well as auto pop-ups, have been optimized to make launching Design Space faster.
Fixed field issues
This release:
- In app warning for required OS version needs to be updated.
The last 6 weeks:
Over the last 6 weeks we've fixed 55 software defects, including the following priority field issues and reliability concerns:
- In app warning for required OS version needs to be updated.
- The ability to customize the Card project enables users to select specific sizes and personalize them according to their preferences.
- After disabling specific contours, the bounding box encloses the remaining ones within the canvas.
- Uploading the broken SVG image will now display a warning message indicating that the image upload has failed.
- Upon selecting, it appears that some of the 'Make It Now' projects in the canvas have disappeared.
- Right-clicking and selecting 'View image sets' from the layers panel often displays irrelevant images.
- Copying the project link and pasting it on Facebook doesn't work and it fails to open the project.
- Changing a material does not remove the star wheel warning message on Set-Load-Go page.
- Unable to change fonts, the canvas fails to render font changes after multiple attempts.
- Some system fonts are not displaying font previews.
- When editing a duplicate or copy-pasted non-basic cut text, the operation type defaults to basic cut.
- save the pattern results in an error message stating "pattern fill not saved”.
- When dragging or rotating, the path data remains unchanged.
- Changes made to the latest project are lost upon sharing.
- Draw projects are being opened as cuts instead of drawings, resulting in a color change.
- Save a project on iOS, then open it on desktop, and notice that the changes fail to appear.
- Unable to open Projects due to project conversion failure
- After finishing cutting the mat that's off-screen, the scrollbar scrolled back to the top instead of moving to the next mat.
- My Stuff doesn't show any projects, and the collection is displayed without a name.
- Follow button is not working on profile page.
- Even after power cycling and setting the load to go, the -18 machine connection error continues to persists.
- When toggling the mirror function, the mat selection jumps, causing the left side to scroll back to the top.
- PTC images appear distorted or the print preview is not accurate.
- The image icon that regulates the number of images per line remains unresponsive.
- The image loses focus when resized, and after hiding contour and resizing, it becomes impossible to move the image upward in the canvas.
- When opening Image Sets, the images load closely together, and the Image Set name tile appears misplaced, positioned between the top and second row instead of the first row.
- When we perform combine, subtract, intersect, or exclude operations and attaching them, the color or operations remains unchangeable.
- Completing the product setup for a second time with a different machine leads to going to the "Get Started" page without setting the correct machine type.
- the bookmark icon fails to switch to "bookmarked" for image sets.
- When adding a photo to the Project details, it's observed that the image is zoomed in excessively, making it impossible to zoom out sufficiently to display the entire photo.
- It is not possible to cancel a full-page PTC project from the Mat Prepare screen.
- Attempting to open a project with numerous Create Sticker groups results in the canvas displaying a perpetual spinner, rendering the project inaccessible.
- Loading stickers with multi-layered complex projects from project details takes considerable time to customize or make, typically ranging from 5 to 7 minutes.
- When resizing the sticker image using the Kiss cut & Die-cut Edge option, the image vanishes from the canvas.
- Apostrophes and quotes fail to transform into their left-right variants, causing coded single and double quote marks to appear instead of the anticipated left and right variants.
- PTC images did not appear correctly on the cut screen.
- The PTC quality warning message prevents the user from proceeding to make it.
- Clicking "View All" on recent uploads either redirects to the Inspire/Discover page or results in the inability to access the full set of uploaded images.
- The canvas performance drastically slows down when inserting high-quality uploaded images.
- Uploaded high-resolution images, those above 300 DPI, are displaying low-resolution warnings.
- When uploading an image with a resolution exceeding 300 DPI, it undergoes downsizing, accompanied by a low-resolution warning message for each uploaded image.
- There's no prompt to confirm unsaved changes on the Canvas, and the previous unsaved Canvas disappears without any notification to replace or save it.
- The private profile message fails to display, and opening a project link leads to an empty Canvas without the project.
- The shared profile links are incomplete, leading to the Home page instead of directing to the profile.
- The custom border feature fails to function properly with complex shapes and does not create sticker-cut interior shapes combinations as intended.