When you purchase ready-to-make projects, single images, fonts, or image sets, they are yours to use in Design Space forever at no additional charge. Image entitlements from cartridges that you link to Design Space are also yours to use in Design Space forever at no additional charge.
However, if you are asked to pay for an image or font that you already own, or to which you have access to through your Cricut Access subscription, here are a few things to check:
- Review the items in your Design Space shopping cart. Ensure that you have removed everything from your Canvas that you do not own (or that are not included in your Cricut Access plan). This includes layers that have been hidden. Follow the steps below to review your Design Space shopping cart.
- Select the green Purchase button in the bottom right corner of Mat Preview (don't worry, your purchase will not be submitted without password authorization). This will take you to the purchase screen.
- If you haven't previously made a Design Space purchase, you will first be prompted to enter your billing information. Once your payment profile is saved, you will be directed to the Purchase Confirmation screen to view the items in your cart, which will be listed under Summary in the center of the screen. If the items listed in the cart are indeed items that you already own or have permissions to use through your Cricut Access plan, proceed to step 2. If the items in the cart are items that you do NOT already own, you can either proceed with your purchase or return to the Canvas, delete those items, and replace them with others that you do own or that are free.
- After several days of being logged in, your Design Space session will automatically sign you out. When this happens, it may still appear that you are signed in, but your images and fonts may show a charge. Simply sign out of Design Space, then sign back in to refresh your account. Your images and fonts should appear without a charge.
- If you purchase digital cartridges, fonts, or images on cricut.com while signed in to Design Space, you will need to sign out of Design Space, then sign back in to refresh your account. Your account should then recognize the permissions and no longer prompt you to pay for the items you just purchased.
- Image and font purchases through the Design Space iOS/Android apps are processed through your iTunes/Google Play account, as they would be for in-app purchases in other apps. It may take a few minutes for your account to update with the new digital rights. If you are being charged in the app for images you have already purchased, have linked, or have access to through your Cricut Access plan we recommend signing out of the app. Then sign back in to refresh the account. Your images and fonts should appear without a charge.
If these steps do not help, contact Member Care through one of the options below for further assistance.