Follow the steps below to resolve Blade Not Detected errors with Cricut Maker machines.
Step 1 Make sure the tool installed in Clamp B matches the tool recommended in Design Space on the Load step. If you do not have the recommended tool, select Edit Tools to choose a different one. If the correct tool is installed and the issue persists, proceed to step 2.
Step 2 Remove the tool from Clamp B and clean off the reflective surface on the housing. Then reinstall the tool in Clamp B and press the flashing Go button. If the issue persists, proceed to step 3.
Step 3 Remove the tool from Clamp B. Gently clean the tool sensor with compressed air or a microfiber cloth. Reinstall the tool in Clamp B and press the flashing Go button. If the issue persists, proceed to step 4.
Step 4 Attempt a test cut with a basic shape using a different adaptive system tool you may have, such as the Knife Blade, Rotary Blade, or Scoring Wheel.
Important: Ensure that your test image Linetype and selected material setting are appropriate for the tool you choose so the machine will scan for the correct tool. If you will test using Scoring Wheel, ensure the image Linetype is set to Score. If you will test using Knife Blade, be sure to choose a material that recommends Knife Blade, such as Heavy Chipboard 2.0mm. If you will test using Rotary Blade choose a fabric setting such as Cotton which recommends Rotary Blade.
If the test cut is successful, it may be an issue with the drive housing of the original tool and you should contact Member Care for assistance. If you do not have another tool to test with, or if the issue persists with multiple tools, proceed to step 5.
Step 5 Uninstall Design Space. Restart your computer/device and reboot your Cricut Maker machine. Then reinstall Design Space and attempt your project again. If the issue persists, contact Member Care for further assistance.