The profile feature in Cricut Design Space makes it easy for you to publicly share your projects with other Cricut members. Select a link below to view step-by-step instructions for creating and sharing your profile.
Note: Profile creation is supported on all Design Space platforms. Profile sharing is currently only available in Design Space for Desktop.
How to create your profile
- To create your profile in the Cricut Community, launch Design Space.
- Enter your Cricut ID and password, then click Sign In.
- Click on the three-bar menu in the upper left corner of the Home screen.
- Click on the View Profile link.
- On the Profile page, click the avatar edit icon to upload a profile photo.
- Click Upload Image to browse your computer for the photo you want to use. When you’ve selected the photo, use the slider to resize your photo, and drag to reposition as needed. When it’s just right, click Done.
- Click Edit Profile to select privacy settings and add information you'd like other Cricut members to know about you. When you're finished, click Save.
- When you share projects with the Cricut Community, those projects will appear on your profile. The projects that are visible on this page will be visible to other users in Design Space. To learn more about sharing projects, click here.
- Return to your profile at any time to make changes or to see which projects are visible to others.
- To create your profile in the Cricut Community, launch the Design Space app and sign in with your Cricut ID and password.
- Select the app menu in the upper left corner of the Home screen.
- Select the View Profile link.
- On the Profile page, Select Edit.
- Tap the avatar edit icon to upload a profile photo. You can choose whether to take a photo or select a photo from your Photo Library.
- Pinch to resize photo and drag to reposition in the circle as needed. When it's just right, select Done.
- Tap Description to add a few sentences about yourself that you'd like other Cricut members to know about you. Then use the back arrow to return to the Edit My Profile view.
- When you're finished select Done to save your changes.
- When you share projects with the Cricut Community, those projects will appear at the bottom of your profile. The projects that are visible on this page will be visible to other users in Design Space. If you have not shared projects to the Cricut Community, this area will remain blank. To learn more about sharing projects, click here.
- Return to your profile page at any time to make changes or to see which projects are visible to others.
How to share your profile
Follow the steps below to share your Design Space profile.
Note: Profile sharing is currently only available in Design Space for Desktop.
- Select the Design Space menu at the top right.
- Select Profile.
- Select the 3 dots in the upper right of your Profile page.
- Select Share.
- Choose to copy a link to share via instant message or email, or share directly to Facebook or Pinterest.
When someone visits your profile they can view your public projects, follow your profile, and view any About Me information you’ve marked for public viewing.