Thicker materials require multiple cut passes with gradually increasing pressures. This means that Knife Blade cuts will take significantly more time than when cutting thinner materials with other blades.
Design Space will tell you approximately how long a Knife Blade cut will take. Once you select a cut setting and load your mat for a Knife Blade project, an alert will inform you that a longer-than-usual cut time is expected.
When the first cut pass has been completed, Design Space calculates the expected cut-time remaining based on how long the first pass took and based on how many passes are pre-programmed for that material. It also displays the pass the machine is currently executing and how many total passes are expected.
Things to remember
The duration of the cut will vary depending on the material, size, and intricacy of the image(s) being cut.
Turn off sleep mode on your computer. Because Knife Blade cuts take time, it is important that the computer doesn't go into a low-power state in the middle of cutting your project.
For best results, allow the machine to complete all passes.
While cutting, remove small pieces that may pop off the mat, such as small interior cuts or other debris from the cut material.