Make a multicolored and textured masterpiece with an iron-on technique called layering.
Tip: This image is from Woodland Whimsy image set.
How do I layer my iron-on design?
- Many Cricut images are designed with multiple layers that fit together to form a composite image. Design and cut your layered image on your Cricut machine. Before cutting, be sure to Mirror your design so that your image layers are properly oriented once applied to your base material.
- Plug in and power on your Cricut EasyPress.
- Set the Cricut EasyPress temperature to the setting that is recommended for your base material and heat-transfer material. Use this online Heat Guide or Cricut Heat app (for Cricut EasyPress 3) to find the right settings.
- Preheat your base material with Cricut EasyPress for the recommended time.
- Place the bottom layer of your image onto the base material, then cover with Cricut EasyPress and apply firm pressure for 5-10 seconds.
- Firm pressure means using two hands and substantial body weight. It's best to use a table at waist height for ease in applying firm pressure.
- Place Cricut EasyPress in its Safety Base. Remove the carrier sheet from the applied layer when it has cooled.
- The adhesive will not be completely "set" at this time, but as you apply more heat with each additional layer, the adhesive for all layers will properly set.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all the remaining layers except for the top layer.
- Before applying heat to each new layer, be sure that the exposed iron-on film from each previous layer is completely covered by extra carrier sheet or other protective barrier to shield it from direct contact with the heat plate. "Exposed iron-on film" refers to the iron-on areas that will not be covered by the new layer of iron-on film.
- Top Layer: when adding the top layer of your image, apply firm pressure with the Cricut EasyPress for 30 seconds. If your top layer is a decorative material such as Glitter, Holographic, or Foil Iron-On, adjust your Cricut EasyPress temperature for that material as directed in the Heat Guide or Cricut Heat app.
Note: If using Foil Iron-On for the top layer, apply heat using firm pressure for 10 seconds.
What types of iron-on can I use when layering?
All Cricut Iron-On products can be used in layered projects. Follow the cautions and recommendations below for the best experience layering with iron-on.
- Specialty iron-on such as Foil, Glitter, Holographic, and Holographic Sparkle Iron-On may be used for top layers only.
- Repeated applications of heat by layering on top of Foil Iron-On can cause an unwanted texture.
- Avoid layering on top of Glitter Iron-On film. Due to its texture, any iron-on material applied on top of Glitter Iron-On film will not adhere well and may peel off.
- Holographic and Holographic Sparkle Iron-On, once applied, have a stick-resistant surface. Iron-on applied on top of Holographic and Holographic Sparkle Iron-On will not stick.
- SportFlex Iron-On should be layered on top of other SportFlex Iron-On only.
Tip: For best results, keep your design to four (4) or fewer layers. With each applied layer, the design becomes thicker and stiffer and may not appear as desired. If possible, allow the carrier sheet area of inner and top layers to be large enough to cover the bottom layer completely. This prevents an imprint of the carrier sheet from appearing on layers that have already been applied.